March 2005
Books Bought/Checked out from Library
- Good Faith, by Jane Smiley. Checked out from Library, 3/2.
- White Doves at Morning by James Lee Burke - checked out 3/2
- Etymology for Everyone by Kati's former prof, Anatoly Liberman
- Dark Fields of the Republic book and tape - by Adrienne Rich. I can't find my tape of this so I am ordering a new copy.
- an anthology book/CD of Adrienne Rich reading her poetry (forget the title)
Books Read:
- The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger (omigosh, good book to kick off the Month of March. Finished 3/1/05.)
- John Dunning's latest Bookman novel - in progress
- Get a Financial Life by Beth Kobliner - I read bits of this at various times along with Smart Women Finish Rich by David Bach for inspiration.
I'm reading Etymology for Everyone as well. Let's try to make it a best seller!! A group of people that I belong to is vaguely mentioned on page 4.
The previews to the chapters remind me of Joan Aiken books.
Who is Solveig?
Heh heh heh.
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