I went to the Tech Museum in San Jose today to see my friend Michelle and tour her exhibit she designed - NetPla@net.
This picture is linked to a webpage I made while I was at the Tech - visitors log into the exhibits with bar code arm bands and so each person can make a webpage with pictures of them using the exhibits, etc. Michelle's cat is on one of the default page backgrounds for the website creator program.
This picture is me winning a virtual arm wrestling - I arm wrestled with someone at the Tech, but I could have arm wrestled against people at museums across the country.
I also had fun playing with the Virtual World, which is the kid version of Linden Labs' Second Life online world for adults.
Kids can sit around a circular table, each with their own terminal, playing the game. They didn't seem to be using the "chat" feature much, instead just yelling out "where are you!" and "Look, someone's swimming!"
One kid figured out how to "fight" by throwing objects at other people.
This was my character:
There is a catapult in the game which was pretty fun - a pig is nearby to catapult and you can also catapult yourself or other people. Kari may enjoy this virtual verson of the Monty Python catapult I gave her for Christmas.
1 comment:
Hey, what happened to the book reviews?
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