Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The book of Lost Things by John Connolly

I just finished this book - we bought it at Borderlands this weekend.
Really liked it - originally interested because David, the main
character, is a 12 year old boy who loses his mom to cancer, even
though he tries to keep her alive thru a lot of little OCD rituals.
(note that I am surprised that the iphone suggests thru !)

He winds up entering a fantasy world and hears his mom's voice
beckoning to him to come save her, because she is not really dead.
I remember having dreams like this too.
Unclear really what really happened to him, and even scarier, what
really happened to two other children who disappeared earlier- if
David was on a coma and his story was a fantasy, then what about the

Unexpected bonus appendix - a whole ton of info on the fairy tales
that Connolly twists around..the 7 dwarfs are spouting socialist stuff
because their book in David's bookcase is next to a political theory
book - shelved by similiar color! (LOL line - are you saying we are
small? Are you sizeist???)

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