Tuesday, May 26, 2009

WisCon 33: plane ride home

The trip from Madison to Chicago was relatively uneventful. There were a group of people on my plane obviously talking about WisCon but I didn't talk to them much.

At O'Hare I walked under the Brachiosaurus replica (which I really appreciated, in the large airy concourse, a huge beloved dinosaur!) And twittered about it.

In the gate area Freddie Bear spotted me reading Nisi Shawl's Filter House, and came over to talk. She mentioned her friend Lyn also had been at WisCon and they were both on this plane.
(BTW, I love Freddie's blue sparkly glasses but did not tell her.)

On the plane my seatmate turned out to be Lyn (Paleo) who lives in the Bay Area and co-wrote
Uranian Worlds: A Guide to Alternative Sexuality in Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror" - and now works for First Five of Contra Costa county. (Small world since both Dave and our friend Anna Olsen worked for First Five of San Mateo County in the past).
I found out from Lyn that Freddie is the famous Freddie Bear of WisCon T-shirts fame.

Actually I didn't find out more about Lyn until a little later in the flight, since we were initially talking about WisCon and then reading (me reading Nisi, she reading Ellen's Portable Childhoods).

It was fun talking but I think both of us were very tired. I'm only now recovering from not being tired yesterday. Trying to do work and WisCon writing at the same time.

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