Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Online interview with PM

I found a long bibliography of Pat's work on the Speculative Fiction Database, and while poking around I found this interview -
in which her interviewer, who's interviewing via chat, suddenly disappears, as she nonchalantly continues the interview with herself, and then smoothly welcomes the interviewer back to his own interview:
"Welcome back Jim! While you were gone, I started talking about my new book from the Explo, The Color of Nature..."

Wonderful example of, even apart from her writing, why Dave and I both think she's so awesome.

Another reason: The Brazen Hussies Blimp.

And yet another reason: interview chat taking place while Pat has to run off and corral the Blimp.
So Folks...let's give Pat a hand so that she can supervise this rather wild blimping.

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