Sunday, March 01, 2009


Just finished Watchmen today.
I should have probably read it before going to see the preview and cast panel at WonderCon yesterday - preview would have been way more fun!
Here is an annotated Watchmen site...

I will be really flabbergasted if they manage to convey all of this in the graphic novel onto the screen. Terry Gilliam (and Alan Moore, the writer) had said that it seemed almost impossible to fully do this in a theatrical movie release. Terry Gilliam apparently had been pushing for a miniseries.

The opening of the graphic novel was mystifying me for a long time, until I got to where Dr. Manhattan tells us more about his origin. That and Rorshach's past filled in a lot of the question marks in my head.

Anyway, great book - can't believe I hadn't read it this whole time. Dave had bought it back when working at Barnes and Noble because there's a big "20% off" sticker on it.

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