Saturday, January 05, 2008

Lois Lowry's iPhone lives!

I'm in the midst of trying to pack, trying to prepare for our wedding, lots of stress - but I was very happy to see this blog post from Lois Lowry (the author of many awesome books including the Anastasia Krupnik series which I loved as a child)

So you know I am nosy and have links to Lois's blog on this blog. Before Christmas I had checked in with her and saw to my dismay that her purse was stolen, along with her iPhone!
(and also that she is a football fan - she loves the Patriots, which surprised me a bit too).

Anyway -- I checked in with her blog today to find this miraculous tale of new year wonder!
The iPhone that was lost has been found - frozen in a snowbank, still inside her purse.
I'm surprised the thieves didn't want it.

Would they have been able to reset the phone number without proof that they own it? I wonder.

Anyway - good stuff. Also on the Running Air blog I see Mad and her daughters all have new coats just in time for our new year storm, and Vy has been reading Nebula recommended works all break.

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